Chabre Open 2010

För er som är intresserade av Chabre Open 2010 så följer här lite information saxat ur det mejl som kom i förra veckan. 17 januari kan vara ett bra datum att lägga på minnet. Då öppnar nämligen registreringen och förra gången var det fullbokat efter 8 timmar om jag inte missminner mig.

Hello Pilots


Just a quick pre-Christmas note to let you know that the dates for the 5th Ozone Chabre Open will be the 5th-11th June 2010.  The organising team, fresh from its success in running the FAI World Hang Gliding Championships, here in Laragne last year, is already looking forward to welcoming paraglider pilots back to Chabre and Sederon next year.  Registration for the 2010 competition will open online on the 17th January.

Our friends at Ozone are just as keen to help and they will be here in force as our principal sponsor once again.

No increase is planned on the 2008 Entry Fee, which will stay at 220 euros.   We believe this week-long event offers excellent value for money - and we hope you agree!  For those pilots flying Ozone wings, Ozone has kindly offered, in addition to their usual generous sponsorship, to subsidise these entry fees by 10%, bringing their costs down to 200 euros.

Entry criteria are still under discussion, and will certainly include an element to encourage teams of mixed ability, female pilots, diversity of nationality, pilots who have missed out previously and pilots who have contributed to past events. Keep checking the website for further information.  So start thinking about your team entry already!  To help pilots plan their holidays, we will aim to confirm pilot entries before the end of January, and let pilots know as soon as possible whether they have a place.

We would also like to thank everyone for their support over the years, and wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Please pass this mail to anyone you think may be interested.

Best Regards from

The Ozone Chabre Open Organising Team (Dave,Rachael,Louise & Brian)
Chabre Vol Libre
05300 Ribiers

Tel: 00 33 (0)492 62 20 53
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